
The experience

A unique turnkey bath ritual for the Holidays. Imagine a bath, with you adorned with oranges, cranberries. This tasty mix of sweet and fresh.


You asked us: 

  • Do I put everything in my bath? 

The ultimate goal of doing a bath ritual is to put all the items one by one - even our soy lanterns floating - and make a wish, a request to the universe and take this time for you. Everything goes in your bath, except matches, stick Palo Santo (from the complementary kit Bois) that you will keep out of the water. 


  • How many baths could I take with an immersive kit?  

You can take a bath and put everything in it to live the experience 100%. You will have incense matches or matches left for other uses. 

You can also use a three-bath kit. Simply divide the sachet into three. 


  • How do we pick up items after our bath?  

Just bring a bowl before. Towards the end of your bath, calmly pick up the items with your hand, without stress. This is a way to end your experience. Live the gratitude for having had this beautiful bath ritual.  


  • Will the smallest items clog my drain?  

Items, such as lavender flowers, eucalyptus leaves and particles, will be soft and will not block your drain. These ingredients are organic and biodegradable, therefore safe for the environment.  


  • How long will the kit keep?  

All the ingredients in the kit are good one year. Keep your kit away from strong light or humidity, and keep the inside of the pouch dry.