
Now available in our new high tech, lighter, stronger, rapid response TechNo POP carbon construction!

We designed the Crak’n with one goal; to mimic the feeling of surfing open ocean waves. To achieve this we needed to expand the usable face of the wake so we gave the Crak’n narrow dimensions, a straight rail line, with a fuller nose and overall increased speed efficiency so it can be ridden in smaller lengths. We added slightly higher nose and tail rocker for slashability... wait, we had two goals... we also wanted to blast big airs so we designed a wide scalloped tail and sharpened the edges like a skimboard for throttle and spin control. To top all this off, we unleashed the Particle Accelerator Dish concave in the fin zone for even more speed and boost!


Lib Tech is dedicated to board riding and hands on high tech board building. We have spent a lifetime of surfing, shaping and working with alternative, high performance, environmentally friendly materials and constructions. Traditional surfboard construction has always felt too fragile and the build process is toxic and unhealthy for the planet and craftspeople. We know there had to be a way...


The constant quest for high performance has led us to Techno Pop; the lightest and most responsive update to our ecoIMPACTO construction. The process is top secret but includes a new ultralight “Techno Treated” performance enhancing upgrade the Thermo Fusion Honeycomb power panel and precision flex tuning with 8 bands of spread tow carbon on top and bottom. We are introducing Techno POP on Mason Ho’s Hendrix inspired high performance thumb tail short board the“Little Wing” that is guaranteed to take your surfing to new heights.


Length Width Thickness Volume Weight Range
4’4” 18.9" 1.8" 17.9 cl 80-180 lbs
4’7” 19.4" 1.9" 20.3 cl 120-200 lbs
4’10” 19.7" 2.0" 23.2 cl 160-220 lbs
5’1” 20.0" 2.1" 26.1 cl 180+ lbs